Fibre Optics is a communications technology that works by sending signals down ultra thin strands of glass fibre or plastic fibre. These signals in the form of pulses of light.
Fibre applications have many uses.
- A TOSLINK is a standardised optical fibre connection for transmitting audio signals. It supports the same digital audio data as the Sony/Philips Digital Interface (S/PDIF) data link layer protocol.
- A fibre optic HDMI cable is an HDMI cable that uses strands of fine glass filament to transfer data as light pulses. They have the advantage if trying to reach a far-away screen. Fibre optics can reliably transfer data over long distances whereas copper HDMI cables cannot.
- A passive optical network (PON) is a combination of splitters, taps, connectors, attenuators, distributions boxes, patch panels and cables that connect Fibre transmissions to receivers.
Fibre PON systems have the advantage of:-
- Wide Bandwidth
- Low losses with no slope
- No signal distortion
- Impervious to external interference from electromagnetic fields. No LTE ingress
- Smaller diameter cables - no earthing requirements
- No water ingress, lower Maintenance and light weight